
Act on what works and what matters most.
We have 4 priorities.

1. Prioritise Prevention

What this means

Action to prevent homelessness should be early, proactive and targeted. Preventing homelessness is everyone’s business: new duties to prevent homelessness across the wider public sector are included in the new Housing Bill. There should be ‘no wrong door’ to the advice and support that people want to access.

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2. Help the transition to rapid rehousing

What this means

A major transition to a ‘Rapid Rehousing’ response to homelessness is taking place across Scotland. This means an ordinary home in an ordinary community for most of us, reducing the time spent in temporary accommodation and improving standards. And it also means increasing access to housing support, including Housing First to redress the most severe forms of disadvantage.

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3. End rough sleeping and destitution

What this means

Most people affected by homelessness in Scotland are not rough sleeping. But for those who experience it, rough sleeping is the very sharpest end of homelessness needing the most urgent responses. As a result of UK immigration policy including Brexit, there are also increasing numbers of people seeking sanctuary or to settle in Scotland who are at risk of destitution and rough sleeping.

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4. Provide a platform for lived experience

What this means

People who have first-hand experience of homelessness already have a voice. But often lack the platform to raise issues or shape solutions directly with the people that plan and provide housing and support services. We are committed to providing a supported platform for people who want to get involved in different ways.

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