Everyone Home Partners

Everyone Home Partners Housing and homelessness will be at centre of Scotland’s recovery from COVID-19 Margaret-Ann Brünjes of Homeless Network Scotland More safe places are needed for destitute asylum seekers Annika Joy of Glasgow Night Shelter It is never okay to be homeless Jane Devine of Four Square Let’s make…

Everyone Home

Our route-maps provided a way forward on the big questions: 1. Ending the need for night shelters and hotel provision in Scotland 2. Our ambition to end destitution and protect human rights (NRPF) 3. Can the Scottish Parliament come two terms with homelessness? 4. A route-map to protect homes in…

Blog: The Very Best of Intentions

Homeless Network Scotland launched the first of a series of conversations that will continue through 2023. The growing pressure of the ‘permacrisis’ mobilised a wide range of voluntary action, in city centres and communities, to help people most affected. But with no benchmark or guidelines on delivering this – how…